Friday, March 20, 2015

Expose Service Layer via RESTful services in Spring + Unit Test with TDD



·        We are going to build on top of Service Layer (that we covered in the previous post.)

·        We are going to expose Service Layer as RESTful APIs.

·        We are going to use TDD to develop the RESTful service functionality.

·        We are going to use Jackson which returns JSON object in the RESTful response.



1.      add dependencies to pom.xml

a.      web, mvc, Jackson, selenium, etc.

2.      Amend context.xml to include MVC

3.      Amend web.xml to include RESTful/Servlet mapping, etc.

4.      Create a POJO which exposes the service layer.

a.      Accepts HTTP requests (standard HTTP verbs, POST, PUT, GET, etc.)

b.      Invokes service layer

c.      Returns response as JSON object.

5.      Create a Test class which uses Selenium to fire HTTP request with desired RESTful service with proper Verb (we will demonstrate a GET call.)

6.      Run the Test Suite

Step 1: Add dependencies

For Spring MVC + JSON related stuff + Selenium (the exact packages are mentioned below in Appendex.)

Step 2: Amend context.xml

Ensure that all relevant namespace and xsd references are included:








Scan the RESTFul web layer package:

       <context:component-scan base-package="" />


Add JSON handler:

       <!-- Configures view for returning JSON to the client -->

       <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.json.MappingJackson2JsonView">

             <property name="contentType" value="text/plain"/>



            maps handler methods based on HTTP paths


       <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter">

             <property name="messageConverters">

                    <util:list id="beanList">

                           <ref bean="jsonMessageConverter"/>





            Converts JSON to POJO and vice versa 


       <bean id="jsonMessageConverter" class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter"/>

       <bean class= "org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">

             <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/"/>


Step 3: Amend web.xml

       <!-- Main configuration file for this Spring web application. -->





       <!-- Loads the Spring web application context using the config file defined

             above. -->




       <!-- Define the Spring Dispatcher Servlet for the REST services. The 'contextConfiguration'

             param with an empty value means that the Spring Context won't try to load

             a default file called restservices-servlet.xml -->










       <!-- This Servlet mapping means that this Servlet will handle all incoming

              requests -->





Step 4: Create POJO for RESTFul service

1.      Create a package and a Java class

2.      Annotate with @Controller

3.      Inject Service Layer Object

4.      Inject “View”

5.      Inject @RequestMapping wherever is needed.

Please note that for simplicity I have eliminated the detail steps to get to the code. But essentially you start with a blank template method, implement unit test cases, and then start adding flesh to the template.



public class XxxConroller {


       private XxxService xxxService;


       private View jsonView_i;


       @RequestMapping(value = "/user/{userId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)

       public ModelAndView getUserID(@PathVariable("userId") String userId) {

             /* validate user Id parameter */

             if (isEmpty(userId)) {

                    String sMessage = "Error invoking getUserById - Invalid user Id parameter";

                    return createErrorResponse(sMessage);


             try {

                    return new ModelAndView(jsonView_i, DATA_FIELD, this.xxxService.getUser(userId));

             } catch (Exception e) {

                    String sMessage = "Error invoking getAllLocations. [%1$s]";

                    return createErrorResponse(String.format(sMessage, e.toString()));




Step 5: Create Test Class.

1.      Create a package and a class.

public class XxxRESTAPITest extends XxxDBUnitTest{ //extend for the DBUnitTest classes created in the previous post

Create a properties file with expected value. Test case is going to use this value to compare with the json object returned by the RESTful API call. (       ClassPathResource locationTblContent = new ClassPathResource("/webtest/");

2.      Handle JSON object.

·        You can store the entire json object (john_expected_data={"data"\:{"userId"\:"john","isxxx"\:"Y"}})


·        You can store only the relevant value and parse the JSON object from the invoked RESTful call to assert a success or unsuccessful call.



       public void testgetUserByIDRESTAPI() throws Exception {


             this.testHTML("user/john/", this.prop.getProperty("john_expected_data"));


             StringBuilder strBldr = new StringBuilder();



        WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();



        assertEquals(expectedValue, driver.findElement(By.tagName("body")).getText());





Pom.xml (relevant jar   files)
































             <!-- for Spring WEB/VMC/REST -->

















             <!-- for Selenium; testing HTTP request/response -->












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