Monday, April 20, 2015

Solve (cloud & network deployment pattern) a Parking Garage problem

·        Solve (Design OO model) a Parking Garage problem
·        Solve (UML representation OO model) a Parking Garage problem
·        Solve (app pattern) a Parking Garage problem
·        Solve (cloud & network deployment pattern) a Parking Garage problem

Solutions for Cloud is still evolving. But at the same time Cloud is old enough to document popular patterns and best practices.

Availability, Resiliency, and Fault Tolerance” among others are critical. For detail characteristics refer the above posts. captures some of the cloud design patterns. Retry pattern advises how to handle “Fault Tolerance.”

Health Endpoint Monitoring pattern assists in monitoring services which could be used to accomplish HA of the application.

Leader Election pattern guides about how to elect a leader for either communication or orchestrate a coordinated activity. NoSQL DBs leverage some of this technique. E.g. MongoDB/CountDB/Cassandara has cross data center data replication (which is transparent to user except the configuration.)

For HA:

·        The Application needs to be deployed in more than one region in Cloud.

·        It is inevitable.

·        HA across Cloud Provider is desirable too.

·        But it is not trivial to implement HA. Challenges such as User data sync/shrad/etc are imminent

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