Monday, May 11, 2015

Azure API Management – a quick start (create a test WS in, setup Azure API management, and test using SOAP UI/Azure API management developer portal)

1.      Sign up for Azure.
2.      Create an API Management Service

a.      First Screen:
                                                    i.     Give a service name (the UI has validation that makes this name unique across all Azure).
                                                   ii.     Select  a subscription
                                                  iii.     Select a region
b.      Second screen:
                                                    i.     Provide an org name
                                                   ii.     Provide an email id (appears as “from” in email communication)
c.      Third screen (optional):
                                                    i.     Select the pricing tier (developer/standard/premium)
3.      Browse (developer view) and Manage (publisher view) functionalities can be launched from the bottom of the api service webpage

4.      Create a test webservice (if you don’t have one J)

a.      You might use
b.      Collect the request url
5.      Select Manage (where? Mentioned above)
6.      Create a product

Enter “Title”, “Description”, uncheck “Require subscription”….(we are only testing…)
7.      Create an API to the test webservice

Enter “Web API name”, “web service url” (the one collected from above, “Web api url suffix”, and products (with the one created above)
8.      Create an “Operation” for the newly created API

9.      Test API: Launch “Browse” (for developer portal)
10.   Go to Product or API from the menu bar.  

11.   Select the newly created Product followed by the API or API directly.


12.   Select the operation

13.   Select “Tryit” and then Submit the request
14.   Validate the response

15.   Check for the request/response

16.   Test the exposed API through SOAP UI

17.   Check the Analytics in publisher portal

Check Activity, etc.