Pre-requisite: Ensure
that the Linux Agent is installed on the VM (instructions can be found at:
Used: Ubunutu OS
Create a shell script
Create a file “” with the below content:
ls -ltrah / >> myfile.txt
Upload script to blob container
Check “Upload all files in a folder to a Container in Azure” post.
Upload “” to a container called “script”.
PowerShell Script
Check /var/log/azure/Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux/1.2/extension.log
cd /var/lib/waagent/Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux-1.2/download/0
Used: Ubunutu OS
Create a shell script
Create a file “” with the below content:#!/bin/bash
ls -ltrah / >> myfile.txt
Check “Upload all files in a folder to a Container in Azure” post.
Upload “” to a container called “script”.
PowerShell Script
# The script is provided ASIS. Feel free to modify as per your
need #
clear screen
#global preference
#$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
############user defined variables ###################
$cloudsvcName = 'dpubuntudevrnd'
$storageAccountName = 'sawestusdp'
$scriptContainer = 'script'
$scriptName = ''
#“1.*” ensures that you are using the latest version
$customExtensionName = 'CustomScriptForLinux'
$customPublisher = 'Microsoft.OSTCExtensions'
$customVersion = '1.*'
###################Display message########################
function Display-Message
$message2) {
function Display-ErrorMessage
($myError) {
Write-Host "Error: $myError" -BackgroundColor
Red -ForegroundColor
function Display-Message_NoLineBreak
$message2) {
if ($message2 -ne
$null) {
$message $message2
-BackgroundColor DarkBlue
-ForegroundColor $fgcolor
} else
$message $message2
-BackgroundColor $bgcolor
-ForegroundColor $fgcolor
####################End of Display message################
########check if there is an active azure account#########
function Handle-AzureAccount
() {
if ($currentAzureAccount -eq
$null) {
########end check if there is an active azure account#########
##################Collect User Response################
function Collect-UserResponse
($message) {
Read-Host 'Press <Enter> to continue or Ctrl+C to Abort'
##################end of Collecting User Response######
#add your account
Display-Message "Going to add account..."
Display-Message "Added account."
#ensure that you are in service management mode
Display-Message "Going to switch to service management mode..."
Switch-AzureMode -Name AzureServiceManagement
###########Find default subscription##########
$subscriptionName = ""
foreach ($sub
in Get-AzureSubscription)
if ($sub.IsDefault
-eq "True")
= $sub.SubscriptionName
Display-Message "Default Subscription:" $subscriptionName
#set default subscription and the storage account
Display-Message "Going to set the default Subscription"
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
-CurrentStorageAccountName $storageAccountName
Display-Message "Default Subscription and Storage Account set"
#print the subscription
Display-Message "Going to print azure subscription."
# Get the storage account key and context
Display-Message "Going to collect Storage Account key..."
$storageAccountKey = (Get-AzureStorageKey
-StorageAccountName $storageAccountName).Primary
Display-Message "Storage Key $storageAccountKey"
#get storage contxt
Display-Message "Going to collect Storage context..."
$storageCtx = New-AzureStorageContext
-StorageAccountName $storageAccountName
-StorageAccountKey $storageAccountKey
Display-Message "Storage context collected: $storageCtx"
#storage location and the specific .sh script
Display-Message "Prepare the configuration..."
Display-Message "fullPathToScript: $fullPathToScript"
$shellConfig = "{`"fileUris`":[`"$fullPathToScript`"],
`"commandToExecute`": `"sh $scriptName`" }"
Display-Message "Shell configuration: $shellConfig"
#Storage configuration
$storageConfig = "{`"storageAccountName`":
Display-Message "storageConfig: $storageConfig"
#get the vm
Display-Message "Going to get the VM details..."
$vm = Get-AzureVM -ServiceName
"$cloudsvcName" -Name "$vmName"
Display-Message "VM: $vm"
#deploy the extension
Display-Message "Going to deploy the VM extension..."
Set-AzureVMExtension -ExtensionName $customExtensionName
-VM $vm -Publisher $customPublisher -Version
$customVersion -PrivateConfiguration
$storageConfig -PublicConfiguration
$shellConfig | Update-AzureVM
Display-Message "VM extension deployed."
VM logs
Check /var/log/waagentlog
2015/03/01 06:35:36 Found Plugin:
Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux version: 1.2
2015/03/01 06:35:36 Found RuntimeSettings for
Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux V 1.2
2015/03/01 06:35:36 Spawned -enable PID
2015/03/01 06:35:36 CustomScript started to handle.
2015/03/01 06:35:36 [CustomScript-0.0]cwd is
2015/03/01 06:35:36 [Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux-1.0]Change
log file to /var/log/azure/Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux/1.2/extension.log
2015/03/01 06:35:41 enableCommand completed.
2015/03/01 06:35:41 SetHandlerState:
Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux-1.2, Enabled
2015/03/01 06:35:41 Enable completed for
2015/03/01 06:35:41 Processing completed for
2015/03/01 06:35:41 Finished processing ExtensionsConfig.xml
Check /var/log/azure/Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux/1.2/extension.log
2015/03/01 06:35:36
[Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux-1.0]sequence number is 0
2015/03/01 06:35:36
[Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux-1.0]setting file path is/var/lib/waagent/Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux-1.2/config/0.settings
2015/03/01 06:35:36
[Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux-1.0]JSON config:
"commandToExecute": "sh" }}}]}
2015/03/01 06:35:36
[Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux-1.0]Config decoded correctly.
2015/03/01 06:35:36
[Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux-1.0]Current sequence number, 0,
is not greater than the sequnce number of the most recent executed
configuration. Exiting.
cd /var/lib/waagent/Microsoft.OSTCExtensions.CustomScriptForLinux-1.2/download/0
Content of ls –ltrah should be there J