Friday, February 13, 2015

Choice between Azure CloudServices (IaaS) or Azure ILBs in same Vnet

Is there any advantage of one scenario vs other as regards to latency in the connectivity?

Answer: It doesn’t matter from latency perspective. However scenario 2 is the preferred way to architect especially if the lower layer doesn’t need to be exposed to public. E.g. do you really want to expose your DB layer e.g Oracle RAC to public?

Test Environment:
Standard A0s
Enhancement: Collect stats from all hours of the week and all days of the week.
Test Scenario 1:
[<user>@<VM1> ~]$ sumresponse=0.0; myAverage=0.0; totalCount=50; for ((c=0; c<totalCount; c++)); do response=`nmap -v -Pn <ILB IP> -p <port> | grep scanned | awk -F in '{print $2}' | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'`;echo $response; sumresponse=`echo "$sumresponse + $response" | bc`; sleep 10; done; echo sum $sumresponse; myAverage=`echo "scale = 3; $sumresponse / $totalCount" | bc`; echo myAverage $myAverage
myAverage .147
Test Scenario 2:
[MppUsWest1admin@centosdevrnd ~]$ sumresponse=0.0; myAverage=0.0; totalCount=50; for ((c=0; c<totalCount; c++)); do response=`nmap -v -Pn <> -p <CS port> | grep scanned | awk -F in '{print $2}' | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'`;echo $response; sumresponse=`echo "$sumresponse + $response" | bc`; sleep 10; done; echo sum $sumresponse; myAverage=`echo "scale = 3; $sumresponse / $totalCount" | bc`; echo myAverage $myAverage
myAverage .146

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