Tuesday, December 30, 2014

(Phase One - Strategy) Strategy to migrate Software Applications to Cloud


(Disclaimer: The manuscript is my personal view and is not affiliated to any groups or organizations)
Prepare….prepare…and prepare more.

The current phase stresses on “lift and shift approach”….now quite to the verbatim….why not…well that’s the whole point of Phase I activities…

One of the challenge is to accept role changes. Application architect, infrastructure specialists, release manager, build engineer, system engineers, etc. all has to participate in the process wholeheartedly. You might have learned from your preliminary analysis that there is paradigm shift in the development and operation of software products and services deployed in Cloud, if not then the subject is a topic for another time J Network designers, architects, and administrators roles are made minimal to non-existence in this phase. Similarly data base administrators role might or might not be needed in this phase.

The whole idea of this phase is to make minimum amendments to the application architecture along with its ancillary processes and tools so that the application can be run on Cloud. Thus truly you can’t just lift and drop the application in Cloud.

The phase opens up with having access to Cloud infrastructure for all players of software development and operation personnel. Encouraging self-learning AND sharing knowledge reduces considerably the ramp up time. One can expedite the process and hasten the learning cycle with adequate upfront training. But a training program after the team has acquainted with the Cloud products and features makes the best effective use of the training program. As a part of this investigation decide on the vendor and type of Cloud infrastructure that is needed for to make the application run on Cloud. At the end of the investigation and knowledge build activities the team has decided on a vendor, infrastructure style (private, public, or hybrid), and the type of consumption (Saas, PaaS, or IaaS.) I have noticed that IaaS best fits the need of this phase. Usually a twice a week meet up to share knowledge is a good pace.

The next set of activities should be geared towards feasibility study and rapid PoC of the application and its operation. I have noticed that there could various tracks where the goal can be accomplished. The set of activities is quite critical as the logistic will have a significant impact on the success of the porting project to Cloud.

The following tracks could be one way:

1.      Prepare Cloud infrastructure that adheres to different architectural QoS --- geared towards solution architects.

2.      Adjust build scripts, modify the CI tools, monitoring tools, etc. --- geared towards primarily system engineers (DevOps) for operation of the application.

3.      Amend the application architect --- geared towards application architect

4.      Contemplate about the storage – geared towards DBA.

To extract the best benefits out in the activities is to congregate frequently and demonstrate “how” – technical walkthrough of their findings to the team. Thrice a week meet up should be a good balance between research time and the share time. Besides the team also works incessantly towards maintaining the application in the current environment, in other words the team is not ideal and available 100% to work on the migration project J

Security of application and data is paramount to any company. Data at rest and data in motion should handle security. For instance data in rest could use AES 256 for encryption and data in motion should use TLS.

Bottom line of the first phase is accepting the fact that doing business (designing, developing, and operating applications) in Cloud entails a different thinking than traditional way of doing so.

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