Saturday, February 14, 2015

Using Azure AppInsight in webpages and a quick test using BadBoy

Please note that we are going to only test JS code snippet and ping features of AppInisght. Web Analytics is only one of the feature of the AppInsights, others are Server side performance measurements, custom webpages testing from different parts of the world (to measure Availability and Performance of the application), and tracking application crash in phone. Please check directly in the Azure documents for any updates.


1.      Create an Azure Cloud Service with at least one VM (note this is certainly a no for production…). For this setup I used CentOS. Install apache. You could use web role (PaaS) or Website (PaaS) as well. You could use your own website as well.

2.      Create and set up Application Insight in Azure

3.      Install BadBoy (or your favorite load tool such as Selenium, KeyNote, Jmeter, etc.). Please note that don’t fire a typical on-prem load type case because Azure might consider it a DoS and can throttle or shutdown your service. There is a process and plan require to carry these kind of tests.


1.      (Optional) Setup a ping request from AppInishgt to you website.

2.      (Optional) Setup “Continuous Support” to store the info in Azure Store.

3.      Collect the JS snippet from Application Insight

From Quick Start of AppInsights blade:

4.      Create/edit /var/www/html/index.html and within header dump the JS code. For additional testing create an href and point to a second page

5.      Create /var/www/html/index2.html. Add the same JS.

6.      In BadBoy create test case and run them continuously to generate some http requests.

7.      Check the results.

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